Tuesday 17 April 2012

Getting started

The first time I really freaked out and started to question what I was doing was in the third term of my second year. 

We'd just started looking at contexts of our photos, and markets they could sit in, and I didn't really understand it. I did research and took photos with pretty much no direction and they had no relevance to anything. I was confused at the time as to why I got a terrible mark. 
Looking back, I get it. And now, after two terms of just scraping by, but improving steadily, I'm starting to get what is needed of me. 

Pretty good attempt for a whole year on, huh? 

But I'm getting there. I think I'm starting to find my feet and start thinking about what I want to do after uni.

Currently, I'm in my last term of my second year. We're doing a project that is focused very heavily on marketing. It's not something that particularly interests me. But I've managed to find a subject matter I'm enthusiastic about shooting. 

I want to go into music photography. I want to take photos at gigs and capture the energy I love when I'm there. I want to capture candid's and take the photos that end up on a music lovers wall. I want my work on the cover of an album or a single. So for this term, while limiting myself to advertising for a music magazine (dependant on getting emails back from my market research that is), I'm finally letting myself make music photography fit. 

This blog is most likely going to start out as a series of fumblings and ramblings as I try and find my feet, but hopefully one day will become somewhere that I can update with news of my latest projects and things coming up in the future. 

Fingers crossed. 

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